Dienstag, 30. September 2014

My ps4 life video

Wie viele Stunden habe ich eigentlich schon insgesamt mit PS-Spielen verbracht? My PSLife offenbart die ein oder andere Statistik. Wir zeigen euch, wie ihr euch das Video ganz einfach erstellen lassen könnt.

Auf dem offiziellen Kanal von PlayStation Deutschland findet ihr aktuelle und deutsche Trailer, Spots und Videos aus dem PlayStation-Universum. Bleibt dran und abonniert, um nichts zu verpassen!

Folgt uns auf unseren Kanälen für die aktuellsten News und allen Infos zu PlayStation VR, PS Plus und unserem PS Store! Rating is available when the video has been rented. My PsLife video Milkyray Gaming. This feature is not available right now.

Some of the insights shown in the video are about the first game that you played on the. Auf einer eigens eingerichteten Webseite könnt ihr ein Video generieren lassen, das euch einen Blick zurückwerfen lässt. Puedes ver un ejemplo en el vídeo apertura de la noticia.

Crear tu propio video personalizado de PSes muy sencillo. To get you stats in a video , just log on to the site using the same credentials as your PSaccount, and click the button that says Create my Video. Neben Eurer Gesamt-Spielzeit auf der PSbekommt Ihr dabei nochmal vor Augen geführt, was Eurer erstes PSSpiel war, welche drei Games Ihr am intensivsten gezockt habt sowie die Gesamtzahl der Trophäe und Euren seltensten Erfolg. But, one Reddit user said they reveal more information than Sony probably intended. Denis told me they set out to investigate the stats after seeing the PSLife videos appear, and was reminded of a similar case where God of War player numbers were calculated from trophies.

Sony Interactive Entertainment has released a brand-new feature that reveals your personal gaming stats and habits. Esta función nos permite crear un resumen en vídeo de las mejores estadísticas de juego desde que creamos por primera vez una cuenta en PlayStation 4. Welcome to the official home of PlayStation on. I bought a brand new PSfor Christmas and have had no problems with it whatsoever until very recently.

About two weeks ago, friends of mine came over, and of course, wanted to play video games. My room is too cramped to fit us all, so I decided to bring the console out into the living room. How to Use Live Stream on PS: There is a lot of people whoto share games with friends and of the worl.

First one isu upload video clip. You can upload gameplay videos directly to using the Share button on your PlayStation 4. Trim the start or end point, add a title, description, and tags.

To configure advanced settings, press the OPTIONS button. Improving video quality. These guidelines can help improve video quality from your camera.

I press the power button on the psand put it in rest mode and then turn it back on. So whenever I choose to broadcast from my PS, it shows that I am streaming on my end. Is there a way to watch your saved PSvideos via an app? It took well over year for the problem to get solved properly, but there are now multiple ways for you to stream your local media to your PS4.

From comedy to music to gaming, check out all the channels you love on the big screen. Sign in to upload videos at the tap of button, and get easy access your subscriptions, playlists, and more. And for PSPro users, enjoy millions of videos at eye-popping resolution with the largest library of 4K videos.

PSwants me to install it again. Verbinden Sie Ihre PlayStation mit dem PC, können Sie die PSals Mediacenter nutzen oder Spiele auf Ihren Computer streamen. So lassen sich auf der PlayStation gespeicherte Games, Videos , Filme, Bilder und Musik auch vom PC aus abspielen.

To start, just boot up the game you want to capture. Il video ci informa infatti del numero di persone che, oltre a noi, lo hanno ottenuto. Questo, di base, non serve a molto ovviamente. Xbox One: Console Comparison. Unendo tale informazione con la percentuale di ottenimento visibile nella sezione trofei, però, possiamo fare una semplice proporzione e ottenere un ipotetico numero di copie PS“giocate”.

Broadcast yourself, edit and publish videos , expand the amount of fans and turn yourself into a wealthy fellow! NBA 2KPack Simulator!

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